Benefits of BlackBerries

Prevent colon cancer see article >>

Prevent cervical and breast cancer see article >>

How to choose and store blackberries see article >>


Blackberry production is obtained mainly from Murul wild Rubus species represented by caesius L. (Murul Stubble or plain) and Rubus plicatus N. et whe R ub., Rubus fruticosus L. sin (Murul forest) which are widespread in our country, especially in hilly areas and I submontane. Because barbs on stems, harvesting wild blackberries is quite commercial and fathers anevoioasa.In gardens are cultivated varieties Mur population without thorns (Thornfree, Smoothstem, Ergreen), originating in North America (USA). Fruits of these varieties are harvested in the second half of August and the first decade of September.

And hybrid varieties are grown between Mur and Raspberries (Lo-gan, Boyssen), all originating in the U.S. who are also without thorns on the stem. These varieties have very large fruit, red berries resembling-iiatoare with, but more acidic and the Association of drupeole grip of receptacle (the raspberries is loose). Hybrid varieties ripening fruit to begin in the second decade of June, with the raspberry.

Blackberries ripening on your same is spread over a period of over a month.

Cultivated blackberries contain water (88.4%), sugars (3.63%, represented by reducing sugar '3.46%' 0.15% and sucrose), acids (1.88%), pectin (0.94% ), minerals (rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium), protein (1.5%), fat (1.6%), cellulose (3.5%), provitamin A, vitamin B group (Bj, B2, pantothenic acid, vitamin PP, vitamin B6), vitamin C, P was Calorific value of 83 kcal blackberries is about 100 g.

Blackberries are eaten fresh or processed (juice, syrup, jelly, marmalade, jam, sherbet, liquor, etc.). For therapeutic use fresh fruits and preparations made from them, and leaves.

"Blackberries are considered a good tonic for the body, tone the liver, biliary drains that have astringent (Constant-slope), but can easily be laxative if consumed on an empty stomach. Are indicated in anemia, diarrhea, diseases of the biliary peace, lung, menometroragii to as they contain oxalic acid, blackberries are contraindicated in urination ox shot stones.

»Blackberry syrup is used in cases of diarrhea in small copin and angina and lung. Drink 4 tablespoons each day. After Teodora Munteanu (1989), this syrup is prepared as follows: take 2 pounds of blackberries, washed and put in a stainless steel bowl, add 1 liter of water and simmer for a minute 10'15 . Allow to cool and then strain through gauze. The 2.6 is getting a juice that boil 2.6 kg of sugar. Boiling takes 30'40 minutes, taking care to remove foam. When syrup is connected, the vessel is taken from the heat, add 7 tablespoons lemon juice, or 2.5 teaspoons of powder Aitamina C and mix well. Syrup (the 2.61) is poured into bottles clean, dry and hot, which is sealed, covered with a blanket and leave to cool 10'15 hours, you can keep 12 to 24 months. ".

»Blackberry leaves contain tannins, flavonoids (that print anti-inflammatory), acids (malic, lactoizoeitric, succinic, oxalic), provitamin A, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, pantothenic acid, inositol, vitamin PP) to They have astringent (antidia-rack), antiseptic, tonic and anti-inflammatory. About internal use in case of diarrhea, gastroenteritis, colitis (as an infusion). The external, infusion of leaves used as a gargle Mur-mation ihinfla gums, mouth and neck in the form of irrigation in leiicoree form of poultices in liemoroizi, anal fissures, psoriasis. For internal use, the infusion is made of two teaspoons of leaves in 200 ml boiling water. when using the external, doubles the amount of leaves.

Harvesting blackberry leaves is medicinal purposes before and during flowering, they contain the largest amount of ACTi principles. The leaves dry in the shade in thin layers.


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No more Colon cancer  >>

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Place ads here if you want to sell blackberries or seeds.