Blackberry bush is firmly rooted (not really care about the drought area) and start from the ground stems long, unbranched, creeping. Depending on variety, they can reach a length of just 10 meters impressive. Murului stems rooted easily, so easily multiply murul by layering or cuttings.

Fruits appear from July, mature in August or even to fall in October. Not ripen all at once. They closed black, sometimes dark red.

What should be noted:

    Blackberry is a perennial, but the strain does not live only two years

    Each spring, new shoots appear on the surface roots that will grow and replace older strains

    Blackberry varieties without thorns are more sensitive to frost

    If there are bees in the area, increase the production of blackberries

    A well maintained blackberry bush can live for 20 years

Where and how to cultivate increase murul

Increase almost everywhere, where the temperature is within normal limits, in the winter. This means that supports frost of ten degrees Celsius to minus, but stand still and a few days the temperature can fall to minus even twenty. This is, of course, only wild specimens. Improved varieties are more demanding in this regard and they must be protected during winter.

To be cultivated in the garden, have chosen a very sunny place with a suitable hard soil (loamy), with good drainage. Murul dries quickly if the roots can not breathe, so excess water is worse than the drought.


By marcotare - place on earth a branch of tayberry, some buried it in earth strain after you scratch a bit in advance in the branch bark that covered the land will remain (as a help to take root more quickly) , the tip remains in the air. In spring, you will find that portion of the branch that was already buried roots. Cut with scissors in touch with the original branch and move the new plant where you want. A branch, depending on its length, you can get simultaneously more plants

Methods :

Scientific name: Rubus fructicosus

Appearance: Perennial shrub

Exposure: full sun

Soil: well drained


Often gardeners consider the possibility of escape from cultivation of mulberry prayers. Blackberries are found rarely in stores, but are easily grown and cared for. see more details >>


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Place ads here if you want to sell blackberries or seeds.