How to choose and store blackberries


Whether you eat them plain, or cooked as dessert or cream and blackberries should be in very good condition. And if you want to enjoy them and a few months, you'd better know how you can store so as to keep in as good condition. Here are some tips on how to buy and keep the blackberries. 

How to pick blackberries

Find beautiful fruit that is not bruised or damaged. Make sure you have the whole leg, skin and outer shell nezgariat or affected by strikes. Beware of those who suffered any agent action that would be affected outside. The fact that some fruits are soft and tender, will also damage the interior.

Choose berries that have a bright color, bright, spotless, several shades of color or streaks. Also, beware of those that were collected after they stayed in the sun or high heat, or stored in poor conditions, but also the dry. Touch it and you will be convinced of their quality - what you want is a fruit with firm skin and core, with a full color, with no discolored parts, ripe.

If you buy them already packaged, make sure the packaging is no trace of fruit juice or core - this would mean that blackberries are hit. Take very ripe fruit and those showing signs of softening and consume them immediately and those that were near their dry them with a dry towel. 

How to store blackberries 

After you've bought blackberries, you can use either fresh or after you've preserved. To keep it in the best possible conditions, you should know about them a few things:

    There are some delicate fruit that will break almost immediately, even if you put them in a deeper pot - so you'll need a pot that is not deep and where you can make easy fruit, on up to two lines.

    It would be advisable to cover them with something that does not push them and they damage a good idea in this regard as plastic wrap or a clean thin cloth.

    Wash them only if absolutely necessary, and if you wash them, dry them with a compulsory paper towel clean.

Store berries in the refrigerator, away from other vegetables or fruits that click on them and eat them before they get to room temperature. This method of making refrigerator is recommended especially for fruit you want to eat within a few days.

For those you will use over more than a week, call the freezing method. Put a baking paper in the freezer, so that it does not fall over anything. Place a layer of blueberry fruit, leaving them to freeze so they are solid, then transfer them to the refrigerator in a bag that is sealed closure device.


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